Spirituality for Today is an interactive monthly magazine dedicated to a variety of current themes and questions concerning the Christian faith in this postmodern age. |
This issue of SFT gives our readers the opportunity set time aside and put our priorities in place. As the New Year begins, we hope all will have the time to spend with family and friends. As the famous French philosopher, Voltaire, once said, it is important to cultivate your garden. Taking care of yourselves will allow you to lead a happy and healthy life.We wish all our readers a most wonderful year in 2003. |
Rev. Mark Connolly
I would like to share a few thoughts with you on one word that has to be implemented in our lives on a daily basis if we are going to protect our peace of mind. It is the word priorities.
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Weather Report
Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport
I can't predict what the weather will be like when you sit down to read these few reflections, but I suspect that Old Man Winter will be very much in evidence.
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Keep Holy the Sabbath Day
Rev. Paul Check
It is a sad reality-tragic, really-that many baptized Catholics find their way to Mass only for Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter, and perhaps baptisms, weddings and funerals.
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St. Thomas Aquinas
Raymond Guido
The month of January celebrates one of the greatest theologians in the history of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas. A Dominican friar and Doctor of the Church...
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What Happened to the Glory
Henry Hardinge Menzies, AIA
Years ago when I was being interviewed for an architectural job to do a seminary and chapel for a religious order, I met with a bishop of that order.
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Stem Cells: A Bioethical Balancing Act
Lisa Sowle Cahill
Along life's journey, we make many stops. Some are significant and others not so significant. In many ways the story of Mary and Joseph's journey to becoming the parents of Jesus...
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Reflexiones El Profeta
Entonces, un hombre se acercó y dijo: Háblanos del Conocimiento Interior.
Lea este artículo.