Past Issues
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The Eucharist
Rev. Mark Connolly
The devotion to Christ in the Eucharist is the center of our religious faith. We hear expressions like manna from Heaven, the living bread, and many...
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Ecclesia De Eucharistia - Chapter One: The Mystery of Faith
Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport
Several years ago, The New York Times ran a poll about belief in the Eucharist. All of us understand the limited value of polls, but this one deserves...
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The Holy Eucharist
Rev. Joseph Marcello
Anyone who has recently gone to a place like Borders or Barnes & Noble might have noticed that a fairly large section of those bookstores is taken...
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First Sunday of Advent
Rev. Mark Connolly
I would like to share a few thoughts with you on the kind of preparation each one of us is personally responsible for when receiving Christ into...
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John Paul II
Let us pray for our spiritual families...
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Historia de la Solemnidad del Corpus Christi
A fines del siglo XIII surgió en Lieja, Bélgica, un Movimiento Eucarístico cuyo centro fue la Abadía de Cornillón fundada en 1124 por el Obispo Albero...
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No Pierdas La Fe
Cornelio Morel
Cuando en este mundo tú padezcas tanto sin saber por qué,cuando a cada paso te acompañe el llanto,y toda tu vida sea amargo quebranto,
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