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Rev. Mark Connolly
If you study the life of Christ very closely, you will find that his teachings were divided into two parts. One was sound theology, the other was sound...
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Bring Someone Home for Christmas
Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport
Back in the 1980's, Mother Teresa of Calcutta began to open convents in Washington, D.C. She began with a contemplative house of prayer in Anacostia...
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The Gift of Prophecy
Fr. Paul N. Check.
If you and I were to say that "so and so is a prophet," we would probably mean that the person seems to have the ability to foretell the future. But the...
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The Narrow Gate: Finding the Key to Salvation
Fr. Brian P. Gannon
Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow...
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I Was Dying and You Rubbed My Feet
Mark Mossa, SJ
HER NAME WAS SARAH. She was old, in her seventies or eighties, and very frail. And, at first anyway, she was one of the most terrifying people I'd ever...
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Angel of God, My Guardian Dear
Daniel Field
This month, the Church celebrates the feast of guardian angels. On October 2nd, we praise God for giving us each the gift of an angel to watch over us...
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Si amas a Dios
Amado Nervo
Si amas a Dios, en ninguna parte has de sentirte extranjero...
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