Past Issues
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In Search of Peace of Mind
Rev. Mark Connolly
Almost every psychiatrist I work with will tell you that the Christmas holidays, whether you are Protestant, Catholic or Jewish, create a lot of emotional problems for many people.
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Adjust the Picture
Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport
Back in the 50's, if you wanted to watch I Love Lucy or Fulton Sheen's Life Is Worth Living on your Zenith, Philco, or Dumont, you often had to resort to your TV's vertical and horizontal knobs.
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His Mother Stood by the Cross
A Sermon by St Bernard of Clairvaux
St Bernard was born to a noble family in Burgundy, France, in 1090. As a young man, he sought admission to the nearby monastery of Cīteaux.
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Living the Stations of the Cross
Brother Gus Parlavechio, C.P.
Along with the Rosary and various Novenas, a popular Catholic devotion, particularly in the Season of Lent, is the Stations of the Cross -sometimes called the Way of the Cross.
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Taking the Pill?
Rev. Paul Check
One could make a very good case that the most important invention of the latter part of the 20th century was the Birth Control Pill.
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Guidelines for Keeping a Prayer Journal
Georganna Coleman
Did you ever think of yourself as a letter of Christ? Well apparently, St. Paul felt the Spirit of the living God writes on our hearts. and that we are to be read and la1own by all.
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Ash Wednesday
Raymond Guido
Every year on the Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday, Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is observed. Evidence of dies cinerum (day of ashes), as it is named in the Roman Missal, is found...
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El tiempo había volado como lag golondrinas
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