Saint of the Month
St. Francis Solano
July 14
Saint Francis Solano
He was born on March 10, 1549 in Montilla near Cordoba. His family of Andaluisan nobles could afford to educate him at home. He entered a Franciscan college early and when he joined the order he was just 20 years old. He led a simple, ascetic life. As a priest he went on a mission to southern Spain. His missionary and charity activities brought him great recognition and popularity. But Francis did not lie that popularity and asked his superiors to let him go abroad on missions. He wanted to go to Africa but in 1589 was sent to Latin America instead. Panama was the first stage of his trip. Later he moved to the region of Rio de la Plata.
He diligently studied the languages of the people for whom he worked. He had a great knack for languages. Numerous miracles, healings and prophecies were also attributed to him.
He knew how to win the trust of both local people and European settlers. In both communities he enjoyed great authority and trust. This often led him to mediate and alleviate conflicts.
He also performed some functions in his order. He was the custos of the monasteries in Tecuman and Paraguay and superior of the community in Lima.
He died on July 14, 1610 in Lima. His memory was cherished with respect and veneration. He was beatified in 1675 and canonized in 1726.
Jesus, St. Francis Solano preached Your name
to the people of the New World and carried the spirit
of evangelization to the most distant places in the world
Let his example help all the missionaries and preachers of the Gospel
so that they do not stop in their zeal.
You live and reign for ages and ages.
From Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives