Spirituality for Today – August 2013 – Volume 18, Issue 1

Thought for the Month
The Journey

Yolanda Cohen

A photo of footprints in the sand

You ask me how I made it here
where I am today?
It hasn't been an easy road
There were detours along the way

But I didn't try to walk alone
I was traveling with my friend
At no time has he left my side
And he'll go with me to the end

So here I am just passing by
On my way to the promised land
My friend is leading all the way
We're walking hand in hand

You must make this journey too
Don't try it on your own
Follow the Lord as He leads
And He will lead you home

I believe all the old, old stories
That the Prophets told
I believe there is a city up there
Where the streets are paved with gold

You're welcome to make this journey
With Jesus, my friend so kind
As long as you start at the old rugged cross
You shall never be left behind.