Thought for the Month
On My Knees
By Yolanda Cohen
Thru trials and tribulations
Thru storms and roaring seas
Lord I'll fall right down before You
Praying now on bended knees
For all my burdens and my trials
I know prayer holds the keys
Once again I come before You
Praying here on my knees
At times You send Your Spirit
Moving like a gentle breeze
And again You send the answer
While I'm down on my knees
Over and Over I come to You
With my problems and my pleas
We have such sweet communion
When I'm on bended knees
I thank You for the many times
You made my spirit feel at ease
For all the answers to my prayers
While I was on my knees
Lord you always have the answer
To my heart's most urgent needs
And once again I thank You
While down here on my knees
One day I'll go the glory
Your blessed face I'll see
I'll hear You say, 'this journey began,
While you were on your knees'