Beginning of the Advent Season - November 28, 2004
Rev. Mark Connolly
Many years ago the famous Catholic writer, Cardinal Newman of England, once said, "As long as we are on this earth, we should...
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Making Thanksgiving a Holy Day
Rev. Mark Connolly
For many years after the Vatican Council, many bishops of the world pleaded with the various popes to make Thanksgiving a holy...
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A Magnificent Journey
Most Reverend William E. Lori, Bishop of Bridgeport
The year was about 1989, and I was serving as the priest-secretary to the former Archbishop of Washington, James Cardinal Hickey...
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All Hallows Day
Rev. Raymond K. Petrucci
Saints and saintliness are the keynote of this month. One would do well to engage in generous study of the lives of the saints during...
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When Tomorrow Starts Without M
When tomorrow starts without me...
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Día De Acción De Gracias, 2003 - Una Proclama Por El Presidente De Los Estados Unidos De Norteamérica
Todos los años en el Día de Acción de Gracias, nos reunimos con familiares y amigos para agradecerle a Dios por las...
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Gracias Padre, oh Dios del Cielo...
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¿Porqué Celebramos El Día De Acción De Gracias?
Muchas personas piensan del día de acción de gracias como una maravillosa celebración, que les permite tener un largo...
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Gracias Señor
Gracias, Señor, por ese charco lleno de cielo que sale a nuestro paso para llenar el corazón con su belleza. Gracias por el pan...
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