August, 1997 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Volume 3, Issue 1
SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAY is an interactive monthly magazine dedicated to addressing a variety of matters concerning the Catholic Church. It is not only for a Catholic audience. We welcome your comments and suggestions.
1. Introduction by the Rev. Mark Connolly
2. Wonders of the World by the Most Rev. Edward M. Egan, Bishop of Bridgeport
4. And Going Up on a High Mountain Top... by the Rev.Charles H. Allen, S.J.
5. Leisure Renews Body and Soul by the Rev. Paul D. Griffin
This page, and all SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAY contents, copyright ©1997-2005 by Clemons Productions Inc. and the Diocese of Bridgeport.
Permission is granted for the reprint or use of any article in this magazine providing proper credit is given to Clemons Productions Inc. and/or the Rev. Mark Connolly.